Auer Anita

Auer Anita

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Faculté des lettres

Section d'anglais
Position(s): Professeure ordinaire

Section d'anglais
Quartier UNIL-Chamberonne
Bâtiment Anthropole 5131
CH - 1015 Lausanne
Phone: 021 692 44 85


Linguistique anglaise, sociolinguistique, linguistique historique, corpus, stylistique




Anita Auer is a (socio)historical linguist with a special interest in diachronic and synchronic aspects of language variation and change. She has a keen interest in interdisciplinary research, particularly the correlation between language variation and change and socio-economic history, as well as textual history (in relation to corpus linguistics). Her current research focuses on (a) alternative histories of the English language, i.e. the role of historical urban vernaculars in standardisation processes; the language of the labouring poor in Late Modern England; (b) the historical development of English subjunctive constructions; and (c) language maintenance and shift amongst Swiss heritage speakers past and present in North America.

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