Unités | chercheuses et chercheurs

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Métille Sylvain

Coordonnées Curriculum Recherches Enseignements Publications

Axes de recherche

Pauline Meyer (protection contre les cyberrisques)
Delphine Sarrasin (plateformes de messageries chiffrées)
Quentin Jacquemin (réseaux sociaux)
Alexandre Barbey (données biométriques)
Ana Tskipurishvili (application extraterritoriale du RGPD)



Projets FNS

Creating an ethical and legal governance framework for trustworthy cybersecurity in Switzerland
2021 - 2024  (36  mois)
Requérant·e: Markus Christen, David-Olivier Jaquet-Chiffelle, Sylvain Métille
The project "Creating an ethical and legal governance framework for trustworthy cybersecurity in Switzerland" aims to generate significant contributions to non-technical aspects of cybersecurity by addressing ethical and legal challenges when securing the digital infrastructure. The central goal of our project is to support key elements of the National Cybersecurity Strategy of Switzerland by research that provides data, insights and recommendations.The project has three major aims: First, to address governance gaps resulting from the mismatch of technological and legislation speed in order to increase trust in cybersecurity. Second, to obtain data by two survey addressing Critical Infrastructure CERTs and cybersecurity professionals that inform the National Cybersecurity Strategy. Third, to establish a governance framework on ethical and legal aspects of cybersecurity for all relevant cybersecurity stakeholders in Switzerland such as law enforcement agencies, CERTs, risk and compliance teams, and security vendors. Key deliverables will be concrete proposals towards the legislator (Swiss parliament) and the administration on how to adapt the Swiss legislation for mitigating cybersecurity challenges and guidelines for governmental and private CERTs for dealing with cybersecurity dilemmas.Due to the involvement our two strategic research partners - GovCERT.ch (the technical team of MELANI) and the office of the National Cybersecurity Centre - our findings will help to shape the next iteration of the Swiss National Cybersecurity Strategy.


Evénements et manifestations


Privacy Law Scholars Conference Lausanne

Journée internationale de la protection des données


Journée ou demi-journée de protection des données CEDIDAC


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Tél. +41 21 692 27 40
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