Placements and Alumni

A good overview

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Testimonials from former doctoral students

As will be seen below from the past doctoral students, the doctoral program in History and Philosophy of Economics is clearly oriented towards academic research.

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Thomas Michael Mueller, former PhD Student, now Assistant Professor at University Paris 8.


“At the Walras-Pareto Center I was the lucky member of a great research group in the history of economic thought, under the supervision of professor Baranzini. It was a unique chance to develop my skills in a leading team in the field, that allowed me to continue my academic career. The peculiar PhD program for historian of economic thought that the Center Walras-Pareto has created during years was extremely efficacious both for networking and as an apprenticeship on economic writing.”



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Pelin Sekerler Richiardi,Former Ph.D.student. Now Research Officer at the ILO (International Labour Organization, Research Department).


“Pursuing PhD studies in the History ofEconomic Thought at HEC Lausanne has paved my way towards a rewarding research career both in academic and non-academic research institutions. What made the experience remarkable was being immersed in an environment where research was highly valued, camaraderie was always present, and technical expertise was available in no short supply.“



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Antoine Missemer, former PhD Student, now CNRS researcher at CIRED in Paris.


"My four years at UNIL, as a graduate assistant at the Walras-Pareto Centre and as a PhD student at HEC Lausanne, were an extraordinary time for me, in both academic and personal terms. The working conditions, the support from the administrative staff and the facilities on campus create an ideal environment for carrying out high-level research. The international dimension of the teams and the constant striving for intellectual excellence always encouraged me to aim higher and ask even more of myself. The University of Lausanne is one of the world’s most renowned centers of excellence for the history of economic and political thinking. My experiences at the Walras-Pareto Centre and HEC Lausanne were decisive stages in my career, which ultimately led me to join the French CNRS in 2015. I am always delighted to visit my former colleagues in Lausanne and continue with the collaborative research we began during the years of my thesis."


Other placements


Nicolas Brisset, former PhD Student, is now Assistant professor at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis.


Maxime Desmarais Tremblay is Lecturer in Economics at the IMS, Goldsmiths, University of London.


François Allisson is Senior Lecturer at the Centre Walras-Pareto, University of Lausanne.

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