ARCHIVE - 2012 joint call for projects

This call for projects is closed. Ten applications were received and five projects were selected. The list of grant recipients is available in the right column.


The Faculty Exchange Programme (FEP) of the Indo Swiss Research Programme in the Social Sciences is designed to encourage the dialogue between Swiss and Indian scholars (faculty members and research staff) in social sciences. The aim of this programme is to foster research collaborations in areas not covered by the Indo Swiss Joint Research Programme.

FEP grants are designed to fund travel and living expenses for exchanges of researchers between Switzerland and India. Other project-related costs may be funded as well.

The FEP grants can include up to two researchers and scientists from each side. In addition, PhD students can take part to the project if connected to the Swiss applicant or to the Indian partner.

Grant information

Travel and subsistence costs for Swiss researchers/PhD students going to India and living costs for Indian researchers/PhD students in Switzerland can be requested for a maximum of 6 visits from each side spread over the project duration of 2 years. Other project-related costs such as field survey costs may be requested as well.


This call of proposals is closed.

More information

Please see the Call for Proposals and the Application form for detailed information about the programme (eligibility, allowances, evaluation criteria, etc.).

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Grant recipients

2012 call  (49 Ko)

Application documents
