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Laboratory for Integrative Neuroscience
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Learning and Navigating with Digital Haptics
Laboratory for Integrative Neuroscience
Latest Publications
Retsa et al (2024, Current Research in Neurobiology) A psychophysically-tuned computational model of human primary visual cortex produces geometric optical illusions
Steinfeld & Murray (preprint) Cortical Visual Processing Differences in Myopia and Blur.
Décaillet et al., (2024, NPJ Science of Learning) "The Impact of Premature Birth on Auditory-Visual Processes in Very Preterm Schoolchildren"
Retsa et al. (2024, Brain Topography) Longstanding auditory sensory and semantic differences in preterm born children
News & Events
2 September; Table ronde: "I2I: De l’innovation à l’inclusion" à 18h MCBA Lausanne
Professor Murray teaches at fMRI NIH summer school
The LINE welcomes Louise Stolz, a visiting PhD student from UCSD who received a Merkin fellowship
Media Coverage
Prof. Murray interviewed by Planète Santé magazine about The Sense Innovation and Research Center
IEEE Spectrum covers the work of Ruxandra Tivadar and Benedetta Franceschiello. "Neuroscientists unveil tech for the vision-impaired: bionic eyes, textured tablets and more"
Medical Express: New screening tool could help diagnose early cognitive decline in dementia from home
PBS covers LINE's research on premature infants' response to touch
Swiss-French radio interviews Prof. Murray and artist Naomi Middelmann.
Prof. Murray on multisensory processes
Multisensory processes in older cochlear implanted individuals
Where to find the LINE
Our offices are located at Avenue de Provence 82, Lausanne