
Electroencephalography | Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation | Psychophysics & Psycho-acoustics | Eye-tracking



  • The LINE and EEG module CHUV-UNIL of the CIBM are equipped with several electroencephalography systems, each housed within a sound-attenuating booth. One booth, furnished by Whisperroom, includes several modular ANT amplifiers for combinations of 128-channel and 64-channel acquisitions from individuals or multiple participants simultaneously. The other booth, furnished by Spectra, two additional ANT amplifiers for 128-channel or 64-channel acquisitions.
  • These EEG systems are likewise fully integrated with the other infrastructure of the LINE and EEG module CHUV-UNIL of the CIBM to allow for multimodal data acquisition (e.g. EEG-TMS and EEG-fMRI).
  • The LINE also maintains a 160-channel Biosemi ActiveTwo system.



Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

  • The LINE and EEG Brain Mapping Core of the CIBM-CHUV are equipped with a Magstim Rapid 2 system as well as a Bistim system. Coil positioning is achieved using a Brainsight Gen 3 TMS chair as well as neuro-navigation software.
  • Multiple coils as well as sham coils allow for flexible targeting and protocols.

Psychophysics & Psycho-acoustics

  • The LINE and EEG Brain Mapping Core of the CIBM-CHUV are equipped with several software/hardware options for stimulus control and psychophysical data acquisition. These include Psychology Software Tool's E-Prime, the Psychtoolbox, as well as Tucker-Davis Technologies RX8 processor.


  • The LINE and EEG Brain Mapping Core of the CIBM-CHUV are equipped with an EyeLink1000 system from SR Research Ltd. The system can be operated at both short and longer ranges to accomodate multimodal aquisition (e.g. with EEG, TMS, or fMRI).
CHUV - PE82.01.113 - rue du Bugnon 46 - CH-1011 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 314 15 47
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)Université de LausanneThe SenseHES-SO Valais