Partenaires MGM+e Analyse spatiale et systèmes complexes MSc GEO
Partenaires MGM+e Analyse spatiale et systèmes complexes MSc GEO

The project MGM+e (Master Geographical Modelling Campus + e) relies on the complementarity of 9 Universities in Luxembourg, France, The United Kingdom, Belgium and Switzerland with long expertise in quantitative analysis and modelling in geography and on a digital platform within the Complex Systems science community. The project aims to improve the quality and relevance of education in geographical modelling by developing and diffusing e-tutorials, setting up an annual international intensive program for master' students of the partner universities and creating two-ways interactions between those two activities.

The program is a joint intensive workshop organised every year where the 30-35 master students from the partner institutions can benefit from the niche expertise of each partner to learn about the most recent geographical modelling approaches and tools. The workshop is also designed as a test-bed for the e-tutorials creating along the project. This unique combination of e-tutorials and intensive workshop is a key characteristic of the project for avoiding the pitfalls of training with remote tools while still embracing the ICT turn and online opportunities. The careful development of e-tutorial will also contribute to the visibility of the partners in Europe as well as of geographical modelling methods and their wider adoption in research and practice.

Overall, in the longer-run it is expected that the project will consolidate the network of European quantitative geographers and its capacity to deliver new understanding of spatial processes and innovative tools for policy makers and planners. The project will foster the international mobility and innovation capacity of our master' students, thus facilitating and augmenting quality of recruitment in research and in planning practice.


Analyse spatiale et systèmes complexes MSc GEO


– Universités de Franche-Comté (UFC ) et de Bourgogne (UB) :
Master UFC-UB Mention Géographie – Aménagement – Environnement
Specialities  « Spatial Information and planning» and « Transport, mobility, environment, climate », fractal approach

– Université de Lausanne :
Master de Géographie- Option Geographie urbaine – filière Système de villes et analyse spatiale 
Specialities: GIS, Neuronal Networks, Graph analysis, spatial statistics

– Université Catholique de Louvain:
Master en sciences géographiques – orientation générale
Specialities ; Regional science, spatial econometrics

– Université de Luxembourg :
Master in spatial development and analysis
Specialities : Cellular automata, Agent Base Modelling

– Universités de Paris 1 et Paris 7 :
Master « Géographie et Sciences des territoires – Spécialité recherche Géoprisme »
Specialities : interaction & autocorrelation models.
Master « Géographie et Sciences des territoires – Spécialité Professionnelle CARTHAGEO»
Specialities : Cartography

– Université de Rouen :
Master « Géographie, Aménagement, Environnement et Développement, Modèles en géographie ».
Specialities  Fuzzy geostatistics

– University of Manchester:
The Discipline of Planning and Environmental Management at the UoM develops new theoretical and applied approaches to spatial planning, integrating quantitative and qualitative approaches in new planning methodologies. Project focus: use of modeling tools to assist and inform planning and decision making processes, aiming at the effective dissemination of these tools and methods in the professional planning practice, in the context of the new ‘smart cities’ conceptual framework.
(, and CUPS, the Centre for Urban Policy Studies

Analyse spatiale et systèmes complexes MSc GEO
Partenaires MGM+e Analyse spatiale et systèmes complexes MSc GEO
Partenaires MGM+e Analyse spatiale et systèmes complexes MSc GEO


Access to the Moodle platform (only for registered students).



Contact for the Master of Lausanne:

Administrative contact:


Master Géographie - Géopolis - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 692 62 90