Acceptance into the PhD programme: next steps
Following acceptance into the PhD programme, the candidate must start their PhD within a period of 6 months.
The PhD student, who is part of the Cancer and Immunology/University of Lausanne PhD programme should within the first week of being accepted into the programme present themselves to the coordinator of the PhD programme: Nathalie Colin Garret - . The coordinator will provide you with information concerning your enrolment at the UNIL and the requirements of the PhD programme.
Financial support
Salaries are according to the scales of the University of Lausanne or the Ludwig Center for Cancer Research of the University of Lausanne, and/or the Swiss National Science Foundation and are competitive on an international level.
Duration and language
PhD studies usually last 4 years. In the exceptional event that a prolongation is required, the thesis committee must be informed and the extension must be officially approved. The working language is mainly English.
Courses and ECTS
Students are expected to attend introductory or advanced courses in the field of their interest. For more information please consult the course book
Within the first month, the student informs the PhD programme coordinator: Nathalie Colin Garret - - of the courses that they have chosen to attend within the first year. Each course corresponds to a defined ECTS credit number and these credits are only given to students who were subjected to an evaluation of knowledge acquisition during the course.
Original course certificates must be transmitted to the local PhD programme coordinator: Nathalie Colin Garret - - who is responsible for keeping track of the credits obtained by students and keeping all original course documents.
Students must accumulate 4 ECTS credits in the first year and 6 ECTS credits before the second year qualifying exam. A total of 12 ECTS are required before completion of the thesis.