Course book overview

ECTS for your thesis in Cancer and Immunology

Courses are credited on the basis of 1 credit for 25 to 30 hours of lectures/practicals/homework/personal work provided the student's performance is evaluated (ECTS accreditation system).



  • A minimum total of 12 ECTS are required for the obtention of your PhD
  • At the end of the first year of your PhD (12 calandar months) you must have accumulated a total of 4 ECTS amongst which 2 ECTS come from tutorials.
  • Out of the 12 ECTS obtained no more than 6 ECTS can be awarded to courses related to generic skills (soft skills/transferrable skills).
  • Credits must be confirmed by The doctoral school, contact:


Information on courses

  1. Summer courses in Cancer or Immunology

           Each year in September, the PhD programme in Cancer and Immunology organises:

        .  A summer course in Immunology

        .  A summer course in Cancer

         Each course gives 2.5 ECTS amongst which there are the equivalent of 2 tutorials.

  1. CIIL course; 3 ECTS. Equivalent of 1 tutorial.

There are no courses scheduled at present.

The format is 10 weekly 2-hour sessions with a lecture by invited key speakers, followed by a discussion of scientific papers.


                  3.  Cancer Progress Reports . 1 ECTS. 


The format is 10 monthly lunch time presentations with discussion. PhD students who give a presentation and who attend more than 50% of the progress reports will receive 1 ECTS. For more information contact


     4. UNIL courses: The UNIL offers a wide choice of doctoral courses/tutorials.


     5. EPFL courses: The EPFL offers a broad spectrum of doctoral courses and practicals, also open to UNIL, LICR-UNIL and CHUV students.


     6. EMBnet courses: The Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) run introductory and advanced courses on bioinformatics, biostatistics, computer modelling and programming.


     7. IIIe Cycle COURSES: The Universities of the French-speaking part of Switzerland propose through the IIIe Cycle a series of courses and practicals.


     8. Conferences: Some examples of meetings that are recognized by the PhD programme in Cancer and Immunology: Villars symposium, Wolfsberg Meeting and The Annual Conference of the Swiss Society of Allergy and Immunogy.


    9.  Mouse experimentation Module 1. 0.5 ECTS credit.


    10.  CUSO doctoral programs


For other conferences where you have presented a poster/given a talk complete the appropriate for and ask the PhD programme coordinator if you can validate credits for your participation.

Ch. des Boveresses 155 - CP 51 - CH-1066 Epalinges
Tel. +41 21 692 57 00
Fax +41 21 692 57 05