11.45 |
Registration and Standing Lunch / Accueil des participant·e·s et déjeuner |
13.00 |
Welcome and Opening Remarks / Mots de bienvenue et introduction |
13.10 |
La surveillance de banques en Suisse par Thomas Hirschi, chef de la division Banques et membre de la direction, FINMA |
13.45 |
The regulatory framework for systemically-relevant banks and its contribution to the financial stability – room for improvement? |
by Reto Schiltknecht, Dr. iur., Attorney-at-Law, Senior Counsel, Geissbühler Weber & Partner AG, former responsible for “Too-big-to-fail”, FINMA |
14.20 |
The European Banking Supervisory Framework |
by Christos Gortsos, Professor at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, President of the Academic Board European Banking Institute, Vice-President of the European Supervisory Authorities' Board of Appeal |
14.55 |
Break / Pause |
15.25 |
The role of the prudential audit to support the supervisor / Le rôle de l’audit prudentiel pour soutenir l'autorité de surveillance |
by Myriam Meissner, Partner, Deloitte and Andreas Blumer, professor, Chairman, Senior Audit Partner Financial Services, Ernst & Young |
Moderation / Modération: Alexandre Richa, professor at the University of Lausanne, Attorney-at-Law in Geneva, Aegis Partners |
16.05 |
Le rôle du conseil d’administration vis-à-vis des autorités de supervision par Eftychia Fischer, présidente du conseil d’administration, Banque Cantonale Vaudoise |
et Carlo Lombardini, professeur à l'Université de Lausanne, avocat à Genève, Poncet Turrettini Avocats |
16.40 |
Panel: The aspiration of the supervisor and the reality – an expectation gap? Has criminal law a role to play? |
Members of the panel: Eftychia Fischer, Myriam Meissner, Andreas Blumer, Thomas Hirschi |
Moderation: Rolf Sethe, professor at the University of Zurich, Counsel, Niederer Kraft Frey SA |
17.30 |
End of Conference / Clôture du colloque |
The Conference will be followed by cocktails / La manifestation sera suivie d’un apéritif |