Hours | Conferences |
8.30 | Registration and Coffee |
9.00 | Welcome Address |
9.15 | Panel 1: Breakfast with the Competition Authorities by Patrik Ducrey, Director, Secretariat ComCo, Silke Hossenfelder, Head of General Policy Division at Bundeskartellamt, |
Linsey McCallum, Deputy Director-General at European Commission, and Stefan Ruech, Head of Case Divison B, Bundeswettbewerbsbehörde | |
10.30 | Coffee Break |
11.00 | Panel 2: Major developments in the EU |
Merger Control by Thomas Janssens, Partner, Freshfields, and David Mamane, Partner, Schellenberg Wittmer | |
Art. 102 TFEU by Gustavo Olivieri, Professor at Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali (LUISS), Rome, and Dr Mani Reinert, Partner, Bär & Karrer | |
Art. 101 TFEU by Dr Carsten Grave, Partner, Linklaters, and Dr Richard Stäuber, Partner, Homburger | |
12.45 | Lunch Break |
14.00 | Panel 3: Effects and Causality in Abuse Control by Dr Simon Bangerter, ComCo Secretariat, and Florian Bien, Professor at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg |
15.00 | Coffee Break |
15.30 | Panel 4: Structure and Control of Competition Watchdogs by Florence Aubry Girardin, President of the Second Division of public law at the Swiss Federal Supreme Court, Jürgen Breiler, Presiding Judge at the Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf, |
Isabelle Chabloz, Professor at Université de Fribourg, Peter Freeman CBE, KC (hon), Senior Adviser to the UK Competition Appeal Tribunal, | |
and Patrick L. Krauskopf, Professor at ZHAW School of Management and Law, Winterthur, Chairman, Agon Partners | |
17.00 | Concluding Remarks |
Location of the conference:
The sessions will take place at the University of Zurich, Kleine Aula - RAA-G-01 (Rämistrasse 59, 8001 Zürich).
Program of 6 June 2024 (211 Ko)
Price for the Public: CHF 400.-
ASCOLA Members: CHF 250.-
Members of the Administration:
CHF 250.-
PhD Students/Students: CHF 50.-