Lausanne CompBio meetings

16th Lausanne Comp Bio Meeting – June 11th , 2024

UNIL – Auditoire C - Génopode


 About the Lausanne CompBio meetings:

The goal of this meeting series is to bring together researchers from UNIL, CHUV, EPFL and industry, who are active in the field of Computational and Quantitative Biology. The meetings are sponsored by the Department of Computational Biology at UNIL.

When: June 11th, 2024, from 10 am to 2 pm

Where: UNIL - Auditoire C, Génopode



10:00 - 10:15: Registration & Welcome (Eleonora Porcu & Sven Bergmann)

10:15 - 10:45: Sara Mitri (UNIL): How do microbial species interact, how do we find out, and why should you care?

10:45 - 11:15: Nikolaos Lykoskoufis (JSR Life Sciences): Multi-omics analysis for cell line engineering and biomarker discovery

11:15 - 11:30: Coffee break

11:30 - 12:00: Santiago Carmona (CHUV): Cancer cell mechanisms of invasive progression in human basal cell carcinoma

12:00 - 12:30: Umberto Lupo (EPFL): Differentiable optimization algorithms for pairing interacting protein sequences


From 12:30: Lunch and discussions


Organizing committee: 

Eleonora Porcu (Nestlé Institute of Health Science), Raphael Gottardo (CHUV), Gioele La Manno (EPFL) & Sven Bergmann (UNIL)


Participation is free but your registration is important in helping us accurately determine the number of participants. Unfortunately, in the past, we have experienced wastage of money and food due to some people registering but not showing up. To help us avoid this, we kindly ask that you notify us promptly if there are any changes in your attendance plans. 

Please register here

If you require any information or must cancel your registration, please contact:

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