Research Project

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  • Develop the ability to understand a biological system

  • Learn to develop a research question, formulate a hypothesis and define an appropriate experimental approach to answer the question

  • Develop analytical and critical thinking

  • Be part of a research group

  • Communicate results orally and in writing

  • Develop autonomy in conducting a research project

The Master research project (30 ECTS) takes place during the fourth semester. It provides students with the opportunity to work at the frontiers of knowledge in their field.

To reach the objectives, each student is supervised by a project director who agrees to the research theme and is responsible for monitoring the project. The project  director may also appoint  a “direct supervisor”, usually a member of their research team who is responsible for closely supervising the project and the student. The project director must be a member of the UNIL teaching staff or, with the authorisation of the School of Biology, any person holding a doctorate and who is involved in the teaching.

With the consent of the School of Biology, the work may be carried out at another university or institution. In this case, a co-direction must be set up between a UNIL co-director and an external director. The external director must at least hold a doctorate. The UNIL co-director ensures that UNIL requirements are met.

The Master project leads to a written dissertation which is defended orally in English.

The three following aspects will be assessed:

  • The practical work performed throughout the project
  • The written thesis
  • The oral defence
Project submission & registration

More details will be published in 2025.

Your Master thesis project outside of UNIL (Switzerland or abroad)

More details will be published in 2025.

Extension request for a Master project

This calendar is not applicable to part-time students.

❗️Please ensure that you open the following document using Adobe❗️

Extension request form

Guide to research work for the Master in Human Taphonomy

More details will be published in 2025.

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