Student contributions


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Does my brain want what my eyes like? Prospective liking and choice modulate behavioral and brain responses during food viewing.

Bielser M.L., Crézé C., Murray M.M., Toepel U.

Brain and Cognition, 2016 ;110:64-73


How much to eat? Meal size selection for expected satiety is mediated by brain regions involved in attentional and self-regulation processes.


Toepel U., Bielser M.L., Forde C.G., Martin N., Voirin A., le Coutre J., Murray M.M., Huldry J.

Neuroimage, 2015, 113: 133-142


The role of auditory cortices in the retrieval of single-trial auditory-visual object memories.

Matusz P.J., Thelen A., Amrein S., Geiser E., Anken J., Murray M.M.

European Journal of Neuroscience, 2015, 41: 699-708


Molecular profiling of CD8 T-cells in autochthonous melanoma identifies Maf as driver of exhaustion.

Giordano M., Henin C., Maurizio J., Imbratta C., Bourdely P., Buferne M., Baitsch L., Vanhille L., Sieweke M.H., Speiser D.E., Auphan-Anezin N., Schmitt-Verhulst A.-M., Verdeil G.

EMBO Journal 2015; 34(15):2042-58


Gene transfer engineering for astrocyte-specific silencing in the CNS.

Merienne N., Delzor A., Viret A., Dufour N., Rey M., Hantraye P., Déglon N. 

Gene Ther. 2015


Phasic, nonsynaptic GABA-A receptor-mediated inhibition entrains thalamocortical oscillations.

Rovó Z., Mátyás F., Barthó P., Slézia A., Lecci S., Pellegrini C., Astori S., Dávid C., Hangya B., Lüthi A., Acsády L.

The Journal of Neuroscience,  2014, 34(21): 7137-7147


Robust discrimination between EEG responses to categories of environmental sounds in early coma.

Cossy N., Tzovara A., Simonin A., Rossetti AO., De Lucia M.

Frontiers in Psychology, 2014, 5:155


Functional importance of cardiac enhancer-associated noncoding RNAs in heart development and disease.

Ounzain S., Pezzuto I., Micheletti R., Burdet F., Sheta R., Nemir M., Gonzales C., Sarre A., Alexanian M., Blow M.J., May D., Johnson R., Dauvillier J., Pennacchio L.A., Pedrazzini T.

J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2014,76:55-70


Genome-wide profiling of the cardiac transcriptome after myocardial infarction identifies novel heart-specific long non-coding RNAs.

Ounzain S., Micheletti R., Beckmann T., Schroen B., Alexanian M., Pezzuto I., Crippa S., Nemir M., Sarre A., Johnson R., Dauvillier J., Burdet F., Ibberson M., Guigó R., Xenarios I., Heymans S., Pedrazzini T..

Eur Heart J. 2015, 7;36(6):353-68a.


Prenatal therapy in developmental disorders: drug targeting via intra-amniotic injection to treat X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia.

Hermes K., Schneider P., Krieg P., Dang A.T., Huttner K., Schneider H.

J. Invest. Dermatol. 2014, 134:2985-2987


Generation and characterization of function blocking anti-ectodysplasin A (EDA) monoclonal antibodies that induce ectodermal dysplasia.

Kowalczyk-Quintas C., Willen L., Dang A.T., Sarrasin H., Tardivel A., Hermes K., Schneider H., Gaide O., Donzé O., Headon D.J., Schneider P.

J Biol Chem, 2014,  289:4273-4285


Frequencies of circulating MDSC correlate with clinical outcome of melanoma patients treated with Ipilimumab.

Meyer C., Cagnon L., Costa-Nunes C.M., Baumgaertner P., Montandon N., Leyvraz L., Michielin O., Romano E., Speiser D.E. 

Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy, 2014. 63:247-257


Pulmonary sarcoid-like granulomatosis after multiple vaccinations of a long–term surviving patient with metastatic melanoma.

Bordry N., Costa-Nunes C.N., Cagnon L., Gannon P.O., Abed Maillard S., Baumgaertner P., Murray T., Letovanec I., Lazor R., Bouchaab H., Rufer N., Romano E., Michelin O., Speiser D.E.

Cancer Immunology Research 2014, 2:1148-1153


In vitro and in vivo repair activities of undifferentiated and classically an alternatively activated macrophages.

Enderlin Vaz da Silva Z., Lehr H.-A., Velin D.

Pathobiology 2014, 81:86-93


Protonation controls ASIC1a activity via coordinated movements in multiple domains.

Bonifacio G., Lelli C.I.,Kellenberger S.

J Gen Physiol, 2014, 143:105-118


Immediate and delayed effects of subchronic Paraquat exposure during an early differentiation stage in 3D-rat brain cell cultures.

Sandstrom von Tobel J., Zoia D.,  Antinori P., Althaus J., Mermoud J., Pak HS., Scherl A., Monnet-Tschudi F.

Toxicol Lett, 2014, 230(2):188-97


How the visual brain encodes and keeps track of time.

Salvioni P., Murray M.M., Kalmbach L., Bueti D.

The Journal of Neuroscience,  2013, 33: 12423-9


Extended co-expression of inhibitory receptors by human CD8 T cells depending on differentiation, antigen-specificity and anatomical localization.

Baitsch L., Legat A., Barba L., Fuertes-Marraco S.A., Rivals J.P., Baumgaertner P., Christiansen-Jucht C., Bouzourene H., Rimoldi D., Pircher H., Rufer N., Matter M., Michielin O.,Speiser D.E.

PLoS One 2012, 7(2):e30852


Oxytocin selectively gates fear responses through distinct outputs from the central amygdala.

Viviani D., Charlet A., van den Burg E., Robinet C., Hurni N., Abatis M., Magara F., Stoop R.

Science. 2011, 1;333(6038):104-7


Exhaustion of tumor-specific CD8 T cells in metastases from melanoma patients.

Baitsch L., Baumgaertner P., Devêvre E., Raghav S.K., Legat A., Barba L., Wieckowski S., Bouzourene H., Deplancke B., Romero P., Rufer N.,Speiser D.E.

Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2011. 121:2350-2360


Revisiting G3BP1 as a RasGAP binding protein: sensitization of tumor cells to chemotherapy by the RasGAP 3127-326 sequence does not involve G3BP1.

Annibaldi A., Dousse A., Martin S., Tazi J., Widmann, C. 

PLoS One, 2011, 6, e29024

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