Teaching & Events

| CVM course: Biostatistics for non-statisticians - good practices, misuse and pitfalls. (next time in Autumn 2024) | Overview of doctoral training sources and ECTS equivalence

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CVM course: Biostatistics for non-statisticians - good practices, misuse and pitfalls. (next time in Autumn 2024)

Organizer: Romain-Daniel Gosselin, Precision Medicine Unit, CHUV


The course aims to explain the importance of biostatistics for science reproducibility/reliability and teach good practices. The lectures are tailored to biologists and concentrate on logic thinking: no heavy mathematics. See the pdf below for more details and enrollment mode.

Next dates to be announced soon ....


Overview of doctoral training sources and ECTS equivalence

Tableau ECTS-resize520x385.png

... please click on the table to enlarge ...



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Doctoral School Tutorials and Courses

Please see below the link to the tutorial offers of the general Life Science program of the FBM doctoral school. Note that all tutorial inscriptions are treated online directly by the FBM doctoral school, not by the CVM coordinator.
Tutorial credits will be directly validated by the doctoral school as weel, there is no need to fill the usual forms.

Tutorials and courses offered by the FBM Doctoral School

Please also note that these tutorials are sorted into four periods/series per academic year. There are fixed periods for tutorial inscriptions after which your demands can usually not be considered anymore...

Periods for tutorial and course inscriptions at the FBM Doctoral School


CH-1005 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 40 14
Fax +41 21 692 40 05
Université de LausanneCentre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)