CVM Travel Grants

CVM students can apply for travel grants to motivate their participation in national and international meetings. Each CVM student can receive up to 500 CHF per thesis year (but not more than 4y/ 2000 CHF) for conference travel and registration fees. The funding can be used per year or accumulated.

Further points:

- Applications will be reviewed twice a year (application deadlines: March 31 and September 30)
- Applications must contain
a) The name of the conference with a link to the website and/or program
b) A small statement why the event is important for the student
c) The abstract submitted
d) A small budget estimation (please keep in mind the UNIL travel directives when choosing transportation)

Students with approved travel grants should contact the CVM coordinator after the conference/ workshop with a demand for reimbursement of the expenses. Keep all ticket ORIGINALS (if not e-tickets anyway); scans and copies are not accepted by the finance service.


CH-1005 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 40 14
Fax +41 21 692 40 05
Université de LausanneCentre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)