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Integration, functional differentiation and problem-solving in multilevel governance: a comparative perspective

Workshop organisé par Martino Maggetti, Philipp Trein et Eva Thomann

Publié le 30 nov. 2017
Géopolis, 2208

09h15 - 09h30 Welcome and introduction 
09h30 - 10h45 Paper presentations

Martino Maggetti & Philipp Trein (University of Lausanne): Multi-level governance and problem-solving: Towards a dynamic theory of multi-level policymaking?
Discussant: Simona Piattoni

Yannis Papadopoulos (University of Lausanne) & Simona Piattoni (University of Trento): The European Semester: democratic weaknesses as limits to learning
Discussant: Emmanuelle Mathieu

10h45 Coffee break
11h00 - 12h15 Paper presentations

Emmanuelle Mathieu (Institut Barcelona Estudis Internacionals): Institutional development in the EU multilevel administrative system: A functional-institutionalist approach 
Discussant: Francesca Pia Vantaggiato

Jörn Ege (German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer): Learning from the Commission Case: The Comparative Study of Management Change in IGOs
Discussant: Rémy Schweizer

12h15-13h30 Lunch
13h30 - 14h45 Paper presentations

Francesca Pia Vantaggiato (University of East Anglia): The emergence and evolution of the energy regulatory framework in the EU and the USA: a comparative historical analysis
Discussant: Johanna Schnabel

Eva Heidbreder (Magdeburg University): How to handle referendums: What EU practitioners can learn from the Swiss case

Discussant: Yannis Papadopoulos
14h45 Coffee break
15h00 - 16h00 Paper presentations and wrap-up
Rémi Schweizer (ETH Zurich): EU forest-related funding: implementation divergence in selected cases
Discussant: Eva Thomann
Conclusions and way forward

Intervenante(s), Intervenant(s)

Jörn Ege

German University of Adm. Sciences Speyer


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