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Conférence Société

Organizations, Networks, and Modes of Coordination in Urban Civic Fields

Le cycle de conférences du GREC donnera au public l'occasion d'en apprendre davantage sur des enjeux d'une très grande actualité pour le devenir de nos sociétés démocratiques, mais également la possibilité de poser des questions aux experts invités, puis de partager en leur compagnie un apéro au terme de chaque séance.

Publié le 27 sept. 2018
Géopolis, 2208

Abstract: In my talk I will sketch the contours of a relational approach to collective action processes within civil society. Drawing upon network analytic tools, and my work on civic networks in British cities (The Cement of Civil Society, Cambridge UP, 2015), I will introduce the concept of “mode of coordination” to illustrate the multiple ways in which collective action gets organized in specific local settings. I will suggest in particular that a relational approach to the study of organizational populations provides a different, more nuanced comparison between local civil societies, than the one provided by aggregative approaches to collective processes.

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