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Séminaire Recherche Environnement Bouillon d'idées

The nexus between science, policy and governance in the case of water scarcity in eucalyptus forest plantations in Chile

Dans le cadre du séminaire « Bouillon d'idées »

Publié le 16 oct. 2018
Photo : A. Oppliger
Photo : A. Oppliger
Géopolis, 3799

‘Eucalyptus trees 'suck' too much water’: it is a common wisdom around the world, at least among some rural inhabitants, foresters, environmental managers, and development workers. This has at times sparked debates, particularly when water scarcity becomes an object of concern. Similar is the case in Chile, where controversial debates exists between Chilean state, forestry companies and some NGOs. Inspired by this national debate, the Chilean state developed a Plantations Protocol (2017-2030) that leads water conservation through exotic plantation control. In this policy design "governance" becomes a tool for negotiations, and like in many negotiations over policies, “science” appears unsettled. Inspired by these issues, this presentation is interested in the politics, debates, and the science behind them. The main research question is: How do actors circulate and apply scientific statements in the governance of water scarcity in forest plantations in Chile? This informal talk will present the main research ideas of my Ph.D. project, and some draft ideas for developing the first fieldwork in Chile.

Le «Bouillon d'idées» est un séminaire proposé par le groupe de recherche «Développement, Sociétés, Environnements», dans lequel les chercheuses et les chercheurs sont invité·e·s à présenter une recherche en cours.

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