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Vernissage conjoint du livre de Jean-Christophe Graz : «The Power of Standards. Hybrid Authority and the Globalisation of Services» et du livre de JoAnne Yates et de Craig N. Murphy : «Engineering Rules. Global Standard Setting since 1880» / Joint opening of the book by Jean-Christophe Graz : "The Power of Standards. Hybrid Authority and the Globalisation of Services" and the book by JoAnne Yates and Craig N. Murphy: "Engineering Rules. Global Standard Setting since 1880"

Lunch-séminaire du CRHIM

Publié le 03 sept. 2019
Géopolis, 1628

Modératrice / Chairwoman: Yi-Tang Lin, Université de Genève

Discutant: Reinhard Weissinger, International Organisation for Standardization

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