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Séminaire Recherche Urbanisme Trait d’urbain

Living with Tourism in urban spaces – the case of Lucerne

Dans le cadre du séminaire « Trait d’Urbain »

Publié le 23 oct. 2019
Crédit pour la « skyline » de Lausanne : JiSign -
Crédit pour la « skyline » de Lausanne : JiSign -
Géopolis, 3799


The presentation delves into current issues of tourism development in the city of Lucerne and asks how living with tourism is practiced in urban space. As visitor numbers are steadily rising, inhabiting the place becomes an increasingly contested topic. The city of Lucerne is regarded as co-produced and performed by various urban actors, who inhabit the city through all sorts of different practices ranging from adaption to resistance. By applying ethnographic research (in particular mobile methods), such practices are unveiled and are thus illustrating different forms of inhabiting the place. The presentation will give preliminary insights in the empirical findings of the ongoing PhD project.

Le « Trait d’Urbain » est un séminaire proposé par le groupe de recherche en Études urbaines afin de permettre aux chercheuses et chercheurs de présenter leurs travaux en cours.

L'entrée est libre.


Intervenante(s), Intervenant(s)

Florian Eggli

- PhD candidate in Tourism Studies at UNIL and research associate at Institute of Tourism - Lucerne University of Applied Science and Arts (HSLU)


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