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From Rio to Tokyo first webinar « Brazilian IOC members from Raul do Rio Branco to João Havelange (1913-2011) »

On Monday, March 29, from 3pm to 5pm (Lausanne time) / 9am to 11am (Brazilian Time), the Center for Olympic & Sports Globalization Studies (CEO&GS) in collaboration with the Fundação Getúlio Vargas (BRA) invites you to its first webinar in the series "From Rio to Tokyo Olympics".

Publié le 05 mars 2021
Synathlon, On line

The first webinar "Brazilian IOC members from Raul do Rio Branco to João Havelange (1913-2011)" will be introduced by Bernardo Buarque & Vivian Fonseca from FGV-CPDOC and Patrick Clastres & Emmanuel Bayle from ISSUL-UNIL. The seminar will welcome Patrick Clastres, Florence Carpentier & Helena Klima (ISSUL / UNIL) as speakers, and Lívia Magalhães (Institute of History/Universidade Federal Fluminense) & Luiz Guilherme Burlamaqui (Instituto Federal de Brasília) as panellists.


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