Valentina Holecz est doctorante en science politique et assistante de recherche à l’Institut d’études de la citoyenneté (InCite). Elle travaille actuellement dans un projet financé par la Commission Européenne qui vise à analyser les relations entre les inégalités et les différents pratiques d’engagement politiques entreprises par les jeunes ; ainsi qu'à faire progresser les scénarios pour les futurs modèles démocratiques et systèmes politiques en Europe qui soient plus inclusifs pour les jeunes.
The purpose of this article is to examine how young activists build their narratives about the idea of the political, based on their memory, before and after they become politically engaged. Specifically, I compare activists involved in eight diverse political and social groups based in Switzerland. Although activist differ in several key aspects, such as political positioning, ideological beliefs, organizational matters concerning the association/movement/party itself, I argue that the narrative’s tensions that activists remember of the political are similar. Through this analysis, I aim to contribute to the literature on young people's political engagement by unveiling how young activists conceive what is political, as subjectively understood, and how their political narratives can help them making sense of their activism.