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Colloque Conférence Santé Société

The Novel Stakes of Social Medicine

Colloque organisé par le Laboratoire d’étude des sciences et des techniques (STS Lab) l'association Medical Anthropology Switzerland (MAS).

Publié le 15 nov. 2021
Media encourages community during covid 19 health crisis
Media encourages community during covid 19 health crisis
Amphipôle, Géopolis, POL-210, GEO-1628

Social medicine is an umbrella term for a plurality of initiatives unfolding in diverse ways since the 19th century and attempting to solve social problems and make access to medicine easier and fair. In other words, social medicine has been considered as a way to achieve social justice through medical and health practices. Social medicine has also been drawing widely on exchanges and collaborations with social sciences, bringing new modes of understanding the ‘social’, as well as new forms of practices and teaching in medicine and health professions. This event interrogates the different forms of social medicine in relation to contemporary stakes such as climate change, technological imperative, global health, or economic rationalization.


Inscriptions limitées pour les personnes en lien avec le thème de la santé. Inscription obligatoire pour le présentiel - Délai au 26 novembre 2021, 8h00.
Registration limited to persons working on health related topics. Registrations mendatory for onsite participation. Deadline : 26th November 2021, 8:00 am.
Formulaire d'inscripion (registration form)

Certificat Covid obligatoire/Covid certificate mendatoty

Renseignements : (nous contacter pour obtenir le lien zoom)/Contact us for obtaining the zoom link.

Programme (programme complet à droite)
Vendredi 3 décembre 2021/3rd December:

  • 9h15 : Keynote: Patrick Bodenmann (Unisanté) : “Health equity in chaotic times: for an inclusive social medicine”.
  • 10h00 : Rose-Anna Foley (HESAV/Unisanté): “Epistemic, organizational and politic stakes of the collaboration between social scientists and health professionals, as well as
  • 10h30 : Michaël Saraga (Unisanté): “How social sciences are perceived in medicine”.
  • 11h15 : Valérie d’Acremont (Unisanté): “Impact of algorithms of clinical decision on health, environment, and climate”.
  • 11h45 : Vinh-Kim Nguyen (Graduate Institute Geneva) : “The science and geopolitical economies of platforms: preliminary notes and research”.
  • 14h00 : Nicolas Senn (Unisanté): “Health within Planetary Boundaries”.
  • 14h30 : Forum A: “Contemporary Challenges and Reconfiguration of the ‘Social’ in Medicine and Health”. Joëlle Schwarz (Unisanté), Irène Maffi (UNIL), Kevin Morisod (Unisanté), Meoïn Hagège (UPEC), Raphaël Bize (Unisanté).
  • 15h45 : Forum B: “Social Innovation, Governance, and Health Systems”
    Chair: Nolwenn Bühler (UNIL/Unisanté). Stéfanie Monod (Unisanté), Christina Akré (DGS/Unisanté), Ryan Whitacre (Graduate Institute Geneva), Joachim Marti (Unisanté).
  • 17h00 : Keynote: Michelle Pentecost (King’s College London): “The Future of Social Medicine”.

Samedi 4 décembre 2021/4th December :

  • 09h30 : Flurin Condrau (University of Zürich): “History and the present: historical answers for new questions”.
  • 10h00 : Sebastian Fonseca (University of Exeter): “Reframing the Latin American Social Medicine: The transformative wave of feminism”.
  • 10h45 : Forum C: “Local Initiatives and Practices of Community Healthcare”, Chair: Eva Soom Ammann, BFH.
    Lucia Mair (University of Vienna), Heinrich Kläui (General Practitioner), Meg Davis (Graduate Institute Geneva).
  • 11h30 : Forum D: “The Social, Between Public Participation and Community Engagement” Chair: Julie Castro, Unisanté.
    Yannis Papadaniel (FRC), Nolwenn Bühler (UNIL/Unisanté), Nils Graber (UNIL/IUFRS).
  • 13h30 : World Café – Social Medicine as Concept and Practice in collaboration with Séverine Trouilloud, L’éprouvette, UNIL, ATTENTION : seulement en présentiel/only onsite.


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