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Colloque Droit Société Sociologie Conférence

Voices of Law : Inaugural Conference of the Swiss Network for Law and Society

The Swiss Network for Law & Society aims to create a space for networking, discussion and cross-disciplinary collaboration between Swiss-based scholars researching law from an empirical perspective. The inaugural conference « Voices of Law » will launch this new scientific network of researchers working on law in action and interested in an interdisciplinary dialogue.

Publié le 23 août 2022
Géopolis, 1612, 1620, 1628, 2230

Inaugural Conference of the Swiss Network for Law and Society

The full programme is available on our website:

Public event. Attendance is free but registration is mandatory:


15 September 2022

09:15-10:00    Introduction (Geopolis 1620)

10:00-12:00    Panels

  • Justice in action: qualitative approaches / La justice en action: approches qualitatives (Geopolis 1620)
  • Droit et politique / Law and politics (Geopolis 1628)

12:00-13:30    Lunch Break

13:30-15:00    Panels

  • Justice in action : quantitative approaches (Geopolis 1620)
  • Voices of human rights and international law (Geopolis 1628)
  • Sociolegal perspectives on foster care / Perspectives sociojuridiques du placement d’enfants (Geopolis 2230)

15:00-15:30    Break

15:30-17:00    Panels

  • Legal Consciousness and Access to Justice (Geopolis 1620)
  • Experts, intermediaries and judicial decisionmaking (Geopolis 1628)

17:00-17:15    Break

17:15-18:30    Roundtable – Developing empirical research on law: practices and challenges (Geopolis 1612)

  • Moderator: Damian Rosset (UNIL/UNINE) & Jonathan Miaz (UNIL)
  • Speakers: Gesine Fuchs (HSLU); Tobias Eule (UNIBE); Véronique Jaquier (UNINE); Karl Hanson (UNIGE)

18:30-20:00    Cocktail dinner


16 September 2022

09:00-09:15    Welcome coffee

09:15-10:45    Panels

  • Voices of family / Les voix du droit de la famille (Geopolis 1620)
  • Crises, Courts, and Legal Change (Geopolis 1628)
  • Intermédiaires et profanes du droit face à la justice (Geopolis 2230)

10:45-11:15    Break

11:15-12:30   Conférences – Droit et sciences sociales : opportunités et contraintes d’un décloisonnement disciplinaire (Geopolis 1612)

Moderator: Fiona Friedli (UNIL)

Speakers: Sophie Weerts (UNIL); Bernard Voutat (UNIL)

12:30-14:00    Lunch Break

14:00-16:00    Panels

  • Rights, citizenship and social cohesion (Geopolis 1620)
  • Voices of human rights (Geopolis 1628)
  • Rapports au(x) droit(s) (Geopolis 2230)

16:00-16:15    Break

16:15-17:00    Conclusive discussion (Geopolis 1620)


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