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Conférence Mobilité Durabilité Recherche Conférence

Community cycling governance. Novel ways of managing and facilitating children and young people’s cycling

Le 10 octobre à 12h00, Jonne Silonsaari, (Université d'Amsterdam) présentera des recherches sur la forme de gouvernance à appliquer à la promotion du vélo chez les jeunes et les enfants.

Publié le 16 août 2024
© Norbert Michalke, Kidical Mass
© Norbert Michalke, Kidical Mass
En ligne, Zoom

Community cycling governance. Novel ways of managing and facilitating children and young people’s cycling

Children and young people’s mobilities are of interest for a diverse variety of stakeholders. While hardly anyone is against supporting children’s cycling, parents, educators, health promotors and transport actors have very differing views on how and why children’s pedalling should be organized. The constellations and hierarchies of these rationalities matter to the concrete outcomes of cycling policy and governance.

Given these differing rationalities, cycling promotion is never a neutral process that could be universally applied to all social, political and geographical contexts. To the contrary, cycling is necessarily pluriversal with infinite connections to local practices, meanings and performances. Crucially, children and young people evidently also have their own views on how, why and where they would like to cycle. 

Drawing on action research case studies across European contexts this talk proposes community cycling governance as a socially just and efficient way of managing children and young people’s cycling.


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Cette présentation fait partie du cycle de conférences « Les mobilités actives des jeunes: entre contraintes socio-spatiales et opportunités » organisé par l’OUVEMA avec le soutien du Centre de compétences en durabilité, de l’Institut de géographie et durabilité, de l’Institut des sciences du sport de l’Université de Lausanne, et l’Alliance École+Vélo.

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