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Autre Psychologie Recherche doctorale

Workshop sur la promotion de l'inclusion scolaire par l'éducation aux droits humains et le développement des compétences sociales

Ce workshop est proposé par Isabella Valbusa, doctorante à l'Université de Padoue au sein du laboratoire de recherche et d'intervention vocationnelle. Durant son séjour de recherche au CePCO, Isabella présentera les travaux qu'elle mène dans le cadre de sa thèse. La présentation aura lieu en anglais. Entrée libre et sans inscription.

Publié le 20 févr. 2025
Géopolis, 2219

Isabella Valbusa is a PhD student in Inclusion and Psychological Growth within the PhD program Human Rights, Society and Multi-level Governance at the University of Padova. She is a career counselor and has been collaborating with the Laboratory of Research and Intervention for Vocational and Career Guidance (La.R.I.O.S.) since 2020. Her research interests focus on the psychology of inclusion and vocational and career guidance.

Her current PhD project aims to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention designed to promote school inclusion in primary and preschool children. Specifically, the intervention developed in this research project aims to foster knowledge and respect for rights associated with inclusion and the recognition of situations in which human rights are violated. It also aims to develop social skills that enable children to counteract discrimination and conflict assertively and to foster positive social relationships with all students.

During the workshop, she will present preliminary findings from her PhD research, outlining the intervention developed to enhance children’s knowledge of and respect for inclusion-related rights and to promote positive social interactions in school settings.



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