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Public thesis defense - Yiming LI

Three Essays on Textual Paralanguage in Digital Marketing

Publié le 07 mars 2025
Extranef, 125

The public thesis defense of Yiming LI, holder of a Bachelor’s degree in International Business from the Savonia University of Applied Sciences and a Master’s degree in Consumer Affairs from the Technical University of Munich, will take place on

Friday, March 14th, 2025, at 2:00 PM - Extranef 125 and on Zoom

To obtain the degree of
PhD in Business Analytics

Thesis title:
Three Essays on Textual Paralanguage in Digital Marketing

Members of the thesis committee:

  • Tobias SCHLAGER, Professor, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Lausanne. Thesis supervisor.
  • Francine PETERSEN, Associate Professor, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Lausanne. Internal expert.
  • Sascha ALAVI, Professor, School of Computing Science, Business Administration, Economics, and Law, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. External expert.
  • Johannes BOEGERSHAUSEN, Assistant Professor, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam. External expert.
  • Valérie CHAVEZ-DEMOULIN, Professor and Vice Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Lausanne. President.

The session is public and will take place on the campus and on Zoom.
To receive the connection details, please register in advance through the following link:



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