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From Social construction of technology to Sound studies : In the Moog

Conférence organisé par le laboratoire de cultures et humanités digitales en collaboration avec STS Lab et Interface Sciences - Société

Published on 05 Feb 2016
Amphipôle UNIL - Sorge, Anthropos Café
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Trevor Pinch will bring together two areas of scholarship, Technology Studies and Sound Studies. He will try and show how these two endeavors can be put in dialogue with one another and also exemplify the benefits of this dialogue by delving into the early history of the electronic music synthesizer.Prof. Trevor Pinch likes to carry out side projects, such as a recent study with Professor Richard Swedberg on Wittgenstein's 1949 visit to Cornell.
He has just finished editing the Oxford Handbook of Sound Studies and he is part of the Cornell Institute for the Social Sciences (ISS) team 2013-2016 researching "Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship".
Professor Pinch also broadcasts and webcasts a weekly radio show, "Webwatch," out of Paris, hosted by Radio France International. He is an advisor to the music technology start-up, "Thinkplay" and is also a performing musician with the Electric Golem and the Atomic Forces.
Professor Trevor Pinch's main research centers on fourth areas:
  • the sociology of technology and how users engage with technology,
  • sound studies and music and in particular how sonic technologies and listening cultures develop
  • understanding the role of materiality and agency in technology,
  • markets and the economy with specific attention to the study of selling, persuasion, and entrepreneurship



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