AbstractThe engagement of young people in local civic concerns is of relevance in Latin America today, and has educational, social, and economic implications. In the specific context of Mexico, how do youth perceive their urban environment? How do they react to problems like security, accessibility, or waste management? What issues are they more sensitive about? What problems go unnoticed? How can mobile and social technologies be used to document these issues, enable self and group reflections, and contribute to community action? In the talk, Daniel Gatica-Perez will present SenseCityVity, a mobile crowdsourcing framework where young people help render visible urban issues that matter to them. Integrating photos and video, online experiments, data analysis, and media creation, the collective work enables a reflection process through which discussions and proposals to address such issues can emerge.
BiographieDaniel Gatica-Perez is a Professor at EPFL and Head of the Social Computing Group at Idiap. He is interested in methods that integrate sensor data, social media, machine learning, and social sciences to understand human behavior and to create applications for social good. Current work includes studying urban trends using mobile crowdsourcing and social media, understanding conversational behavior in social video, and infering emerging ubiquitous social phenomena in face-to-face interaction.
Le séminaire "Pratiques des Humanités digitales"Organisé dans le cadre du programme de spécialisation en Humanités digitales et soutenu par le Laboratoire de cultures et humanités digitales de l'Université de Lausanne (LaDHUL), ce séminaire de recherche bimensuel ouvert à toute la communauté universitaire vise à illustrer la richesse et la diversité de ce qui se pratique dans ce domaine sur le campus lausannois et au-delà. Chaque contribution dévoilera une facette de ce que représentent les Humanités digitales dans les pratiques d'enseignants et de chercheurs ancrés dans des disciplines de Lettres et SHS ou de sciences et technologies de l'information.