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Colloque Enseignement et Formation Recherche

Digital literacies in digital communication

The workshop assembles researchers in the field of digital communication and discourse analysis who have in common to focus on the links between discourse (language) and practices (communication) in the digital era (specific medium, networks, affordances). The workshop is aimed at discussing the interplay of these dimensions. How do the affordances of a medium lead to create behavioral rules? What is at stake with the networks, groups and communities configuring the digital identity of members? What creativity or limitations are familiar and just supplement a practice? What are emergent and reconfigure a practice or lead to a new practice? Such issues will be addressed by researchers as well as by the students of a new MA program in digital communication.

Published on 08 Dec 2016
Géopolis, 2129 (15.12.2016) & 2137 (16.12.2016)
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