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Cérémonie d'ouverture du GREC - Election, Contestation et Citoyenneté

Présentation d’un chercheur invité : Bartek Pytlas intitulée : « Populist Radical Right Politics in Central and Eastern Europe : Frame Ownership, Party Competition, and Challenges to Democracy ».******In the course of recent decades, populist radical right politics has increasingly shifted from the margins to the mainstream of party competition. While the mainstream diffusion of populist radical right claims is not limited to Central and Eastern Europe, it is in this region that the consequences of this phenomenon for the shape of party politics, electoral competition, and in some cases liberal democracy as such, have become most evident. Highlighting the narrative dimension of party competition as a contest over meaning behind issues, the lecture discusses the patterns, mechanisms and consequences of populist radical right political agency and related competitive strategies by mainstream party politics. Observing how exclusionary anti-establishment nativist claims are being deployed to re-define and gain frame ownership over political issues, established ideologies, or even the notion of the ‘democratic ideal’ itself, provides broader insights on the impact of populist radical right politics on contemporary democracies across Europe. ******La séance sera suivie d'un apéritif offert au public

Published on 15 Sep 2017
Géopolis, 2224
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