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Ateliers Emploi Recherche Conférence

Workshop: Work as a Calling: Exploring Individual and Practitioner Strategies

How do people find and live out their calling? How can practitioners best help individuals enact their calling and work effectively with clients who seek to find or live out a calling?

Published on 06 Aug 2018
Géopolis, 5799
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Finding and living out a career calling is a goal for many individuals, perhaps due to the well-established work and well-being benefits. The current presentation will first discuss findings from a robust literature around how people find and live out their calling. Second, strategies will be discussed to help individuals enact their calling and help practitioners to work effectively with clients who seek to find or live out a calling. Finally, the potential “dark side” of a calling will be discussed along with tactics to avoid this path.


Dr. Ryan Duffy is an internationally recognized leader in the study of two main areas - work as a calling and the psychology of working. To date he has published over 100 peer reviewed articles, many of which have appeared in counseling and vocational psychology's top tier journals including the Journal of Counseling Psychology (JCP), The Counseling Psychologist, and the Journal of Vocational Behavior (JVB). Ryan is the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Career Assessment and an editorial board member of JVB, JCP, and Career Development Quarterly. He is also the co-author of the popular press book: Make Your Job a Calling: How the Psychology of Vocation can Change your Life at Work, geared to individuals in all jobs types looking for strategies to develop more meaningful and impactful careers.


Ryan Duffy

University of Florida Research Foundation


Dr. Amber Gayle Thalmayer and Prof. Jérôme Rossier

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