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Conférence Recherche Economie

Fury in the US : what global value chains tell us

Conférence du Dr Satoshi INOMATA - chercheur économiste à JETRO, Tokyo

Published on 20 Sep 2018
Géopolis, 3899
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Traditionally, the impact of international trade on labor markets has been considered in the light of a resource shift between industrial sectors caused by import competition. In contrast, newer globalization literature recognizes that offshoring is a cross-border movement of a production activity corresponding to a task for a specific type/skill of labor, and hence pay attention to the consequent changes in within-sectoral composition of different types of labor.

This presentation employs multi-country input-output analyses in order to address the issue of economic globalization and employment/income distribution, with a particular reference to the current US-China trade dispute.

Dr. Satoshi Inomata received his BA in Politics and Economics from the University of London, MSc in Development Economics from the University of Oxford, and PhD (Economics) from the Hitotsubashi University, Japan. His recent research includes in-depth studies of global value chains using inputoutput techniques. He is currently a vice-President of the International Input-Output Association, a member of the Editorial Board of Economic Systems Research, and of the Editorial Board of Global Value Chain Development Report.




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