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Séminaire Recherche Environnement Bouillon d'idées

Do conservation interventions aimed at slowing deforestation and improving wellbeing work, and how do we know?

Dans le cadre du séminaire « Bouillon d'idées »

Published on 11 Jan 2019
Credit: Julia Patricia Gordon Jones
Credit: Julia Patricia Gordon Jones
Géopolis, 3899
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This talk will present evidence from a Randomised Control Trial of a Payment for Ecosystem Services Scheme in Bolivia, a quasi-experimental evaluation of Community Forest Management in Madagascar, and a participatory impact evaluation of the impact of Protected Areas in Madagascar. It will assess evidence of a range of outcomes from deforestation rates to household income and subjective wellbeing. The ultimate aim is to explore both the extent to which conservation interventions ‘work’, and to consider what sort of impact evaluations are most appropriate in what circumstances. If you are interested in the use of evidence to improve the design of conservation in practice, then this talk is for you!

Le «Bouillon d'idées» est un séminaire proposé par le groupe de recherche «Développement, Sociétés, Environnements», dans lequel les chercheuses et les chercheurs sont invité·e·s à présenter une recherche en cours.

L'entrée est libre. N'hésitez pas à amener votre repas.




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