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Séminaire Recherche Trait d’urbain

Why and how live (in a) car-free (housing)?

Dans le cadre du séminaire « Trait d’Urbain »

Published on 13 May 2019
Crédit pour la « skyline » de Lausanne : JiSign -
Crédit pour la « skyline » de Lausanne : JiSign -
Géopolis, 3799
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Car-free housing developments represent laboratories how to achieve a mobility transition and overcome the car-centred society. In these housing developments residents commit to living without a private car in the long term. The presentation addresses the main results of my PhD thesis. It is based on a mixed methods approach, combining a questionnaire survey (n=500) and interviews (n=50) carried out in nine car-free housing developments in Switzerland and Germany. First, the residents' profiles are presented. Then, the results of the two main research questions address the motivations to live car-free and move to a particular housing development as well as the residents’ mobility practices and their ‘mobility capital’ (accessible transport modes and mobility skills). A typology of lifestyles based on motivations and practices illustrates the different types of residents. Finally, the social and spatial context needed to live without a private car is presented.

Le « Trait d’Urbain » est un séminaire proposé par le groupe de recherche en Études urbaines afin de permettre aux chercheuses et chercheurs de présenter leurs travaux en cours.

L'entrée est libre.




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