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Séminaire Recherche Environnement Bouillon d'idées

A spiny situation: the management of the family Cactaceae as invasive species

Dans le cadre du séminaire « Bouillon d'idées »

Published on 06 May 2019
© Ana Novoa
© Ana Novoa
Géopolis, 3899
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During this discussion, Ana will talk about a project she worked on during her postdoctoral stay in the CIB, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. The aim of the project was to improve the management of cactus species in South Africa. Using ecological, genetic and social techniques, Ana and colleagues developed a national strategy for managing cactus species in the country. Moreover, they established a Global Cactus Working Group (GCWG), aiming to share, discuss and promote best management practices of cactus species in their introduced range, and to build on existing regional strategies and action plans. In particular the talk will focus on the importance and benefits of combining both social and ecological research approaches to solve environmental issues and develop adequate policy.

Ana Novoa is a scientist at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Her research to date has been focused on the ecology and management of alien species, as well as on engaging the public on issues surrounding alien invasive species.

Le «Bouillon d'idées» est un séminaire proposé par le groupe de recherche «Développement, Sociétés, Environnements», dans lequel les chercheuses et les chercheurs sont invité·e·s à présenter une recherche en cours.

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Ana Novoa

- Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic


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