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Conférence Conférence Santé Technologie

Swiss Internet Intervention Day

The first Swiss Internet Intervention Day will take place at the University of Lausanne on November 8, 2019, on the theme “Guided and unguided psychological internet interventions : Tailoring programs to the clients’ needs”

Published on 02 Sep 2019
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The first Swiss Internet Intervention Day will bring together researchers from different Swiss universities working with Internet-based intervention methods. We are honoured to welcome professors Gerhard Andersson (Linköping University, Sweden) and Thomas Berger (University of Bern), two pioneers of Internet interventions, who will share their extensive experience in keynote talks about tailoring interventions to specific populations and the therapeutic alliance. The programme will include presentations from various Swiss universities about recent or established projects. The Swiss Internet Intervention Day will offer an opportunity to share and discover the current richness of the work carried out in Switzerland and internationally as well as develop future questions and research directions.



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