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Cycling year round in winter cities – Specific DNA needed or something else? Case Oulu, Finland

Timo Perälä (Urban well-being engineer, Navico Ltd. / Chairman of the Winter Cycling Federation) will give a talk on winter cycling and present the case of Oulu, Finland.

Published on 17 Aug 2022
© Pekka Tahkola, Navico Ltd.
© Pekka Tahkola, Navico Ltd.
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Cycling year round in winter cities – Specific DNA needed or something else? Case Oulu, Finland.
«Build it and they will come. Maintain it year-round and they will stay and grow in numbers.»
Oulu, Finland is known as the winter cycling capital of the world. How come kids cycle in flocks to school in arctic conditions while kids in milder climate conditions need transportation during colder months? Are the grannies in Oulu superhumans as they do grocery shopping by bike in -20C with a smile on their faces? Is it in DNA, or are there other secrets behind the high numbers of year-round cycling in Oulu? What are the lessons from Oulu for other cities who aim to increase year-round active mobility?
Timo Perälä has been studying year round active mobility for decades. He is the founder and the chairman of the Winter Cycling Federation.
The success story of Oulu started already in late 1960’s as few crucial principles were introduced and adapted for Oulu region urban and traffic planning. Lately Oulu has been investing more and more to make the best even better. Mr. Perälä will tell the story of Oulu. He will also share the history of Winter Cycling Federation – a NGO that aims to make year-round cycling possible for everyone.


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This presentation is part of the seminar series «Cycling Cultures» organised by OUVEMA with the support of the Competence Centre in Sustainability, the Institute of Geography and Sustainability, and the Institute of Sport Sciences of the University of Lausanne.


Timo Perälä

Urban well-being engineer, Navico Ltd. / Chairman of the Winter Cycling Federation


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