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Brainmedia, 20th century histories of fascination with brain science

Flora Lysen, de l'Université de Maastricht, interviendra dans le cadre d’une nouvelle série d’événements organisés par le réseau NeuroGenderings et le Laboratoire d'étude des sciences et des techniques (STS Lab).

Published on 18 Aug 2022
© Alena Schmick
© Alena Schmick
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The STS Lab and the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lausanne & the NeuroGenderings (NG) network are pleased to present a new NG Lecture Series dedicated this year 2022 to discussing the science and politics of race in brain research and the contribution of neuroscience in and from the Global South.

2nd Lecture of the series
Friday 9 September 2022: Zoom Talk

6am PDT, 9am EDT, 3pm CEST, 10pm Central Australia SummerTime

Flora Lysen will discuss her recently published book on histories of mediating the brain and popularizing brain science: Brainmedia: One hundred years of performing live brains,1920-2020 (published August 2022):

Brainmedia reveals past and present examples of scientists and science educators who conceptualize and demonstrate the active human brain guided by new media technologies: from exhibitions of giant illuminated brain models and staged projections of brainwave recordings to live televised brain broadcasts, brains hooked up to computers and experiments with “brain-to-brain” synchronization. 

Connecting to the NeuroGenderings lecture series, Lysen’s talk will highlight early exhibitions and publications on EEG in the 1930s, connecting to the concept of “physiognomic sight” and ideas about seeing differences at a glance.

Bio: Dr. Flora Lysen is a researcher at the MUSTS (Maastricht University Science and Technology Studies) research group and teacher at the Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences of Maastricht University. Her current postdoctoral research is on the history of artificial intelligence and automation in medical imaging, as part of the research consortium RAIDIO (responsible artificial intelligence in clinical decision making).

Discussants: Robyn Bluhm (Michigan State University & NG Board member) and Sigrid Schmitz (Humboldt-University of Berlin & NG board member).

Organizer and Chair: Cynthia Kraus, University of Lausanne & NG board member

Sponsors: STS Lab & ISS, University of Lausanne, NG Network, Barnard College, Emory University 

Zoom Link :


Flora Lysen,

University of Maastricht


Cynthia Kraus

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