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Conférence de l'IUFRS - Matt Fowler: Developping Cancer Nursing Practice in Conflict Zones

Matt Fowler is an Oncology/Haematology Consultant Nurse at University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust in the United Kingdom. His presentation will focus on his experiences and challenges in setting up nursing services in conflict zones and in the UK.

Published on 08 May 2024
CHUV, Auditoire Auguste Tissot
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Developing Cancer Nursing Practice in Conflict Zones - Developing an Advanced Nursing Practice Service for same day emergency oncology and haematology care

Having volunteered in both the West Bank and Gaza over the last 8 years, Matt Fowler has extensive experience about cancer nursing in an area of conflict, from lecturing at the University of Bethlehem to supporting students in clinical practice.

He joined five missions with Medical Aid for Palestine to Gaza to develop haematology nursing services, and developed an advanced nurse practitioner led service on a same day emergency haematology/oncology triage unit in the UK. This presentation will focus on his experiences and challenges in setting up these services. 

The conference will be held in English and live-streamed via WEBEX.
La conférence se déroulera en anglais et sera transmise en direct via WEBEX. 

Quand? 30 mai 2024 | 12h
Où? CHUV Bâtiment hospitalier (BH08) - Auditoire Auguste Tissot & online (WEBEX link)
Langage? Anglais


Matt Fowler is an Oncology/Haematology Consultant Nurse at University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust in the United Kingdom. His interests lie in advanced practice in cancer nursing, same day emergency care for cancer patients and the management of low-risk febrile neutropenia. 

Matt Fowler holds a MSc in Nursing and a Post Graduate Certificate in Advanced Clinical Practice from Warwick university. He is half way through his Doctorate journey in the USA at Duke University in North Carolina. He regularly teaches undergraduate and postgraduate nurses, including the higher diploma in oncology and palliative care nursing at Bethlehem University.

Matt Fowler regularly attends Gaza as part of a haematology mission from the UK to work with local teams to look at streamlining care for patients in Gaza as well as enhancing cancer nursing practice for nurses in Gaza. He sits on the board of the European Oncology Nursing Society and is passionate about advocacy work for nurses, patients, and carers alike.


About "Les conférences de l'IUFRS"

The IUFRS conferences are a seminar series centered on topics of research and practice in nursing and healthcare.

  • Target audience: Healthcare researchers and clinicians, graduate and PhD students in the nursing and healthcare sciences
  • Format: Hybrid (in-person & online)
  • Duration: Expert talk (40 min), followed by a Q&A (15 min)
  • Language: French, English or bilingually (depending on the speaker)


En savoir plus sur "Les conférences de l'IUFRS"

Les conférences de l'IUFRS sont une série de seminaires centrés sur des sujets de recherche et de pratique en sciences infirmières et sciences de la santé.

  • Public cible: Chercheur·euses et clinicien·nes, étudiant·es Master et doctorant·es en sciences infirmières et sciences de la santé
  • Format: Hybride (en présentiel & en ligne)
  • Durée: Présentation par un·e expert·e (40 min), suivi par Q/R(15 min)
  • Langue: Français, anglais ou bilïngue (selon expert·e invité·e)

Plus d'informations: Les conférences de l'IUFRS




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