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Conférence de l'IUFRS - Dre Renée M. Visser: Harnessing retrieval-update mechanisms to reduce the impact of unwanted emotional memories

Dre Renée Visser is assistant professor in the Amsterdam Emotional Memory Lab in the University of Amsterdam. Her research focuses on how cognitive neuroscience can improve mental health care. In this talk, she will present recent work that uses a variety of experimental models and interventions to target different aspects of emotional memory in humans.

Published on 08 May 2024
CHUV, Auditoire Mathias Mayor
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Harnessing retrieval-update mechanisms to reduce the impact of unwanted emotional memories

The last two decades of neuroscientific research have produced many new insights on the dynamic nature of memory. This research is highly relevant for clinical science as it helps us understand how aversive experiences transform to memories, how these memories give rise to symptoms such as intrusive reliving and heightened arousal, and how these memories may be modified upon their retrieval.

However, most of this research has been restricted to modelling simple associative fears or appetitive memories in animals or healthy participants; a direct application of these procedures to more complex emotional memories and clinical settings is not straightforward.

In this talk, Dr. Renée M. Visser will present recent work from the Amsterdam Emotional Memory Lab, that uses a variety of experimental models and interventions to target different aspects of emotional memory in humans. She will discuss the importance of timing, both for administering interventions and for assessing their effectiveness, the interaction between different memory systems, and the need for more naturalistic paradigms that can facilitate bidirectional translation.

The conference will be held in English and live-streamed via WEBEX.
La conférence se déroulera en anglais et sera transmise en direct via WEBEX. 

Quand? 30 mai 2024 | 12h
Où? CHUV Bâtiment hospitalier (BH08) - Auditoire Mathias Mayor & online (WEBEX link)
Langage? Anglais


Renée Visser received her doctorate in psychology in 2016 from the University of Amsterdam. She completed her post-doctoral training (2015 - 2018) at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge, supported by a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship. In 2018, she returned to the University of Amsterdam as an assistant professor in the Amsterdam Emotional Memory Lab. As a cognitive neuroscientist working in clinical psychology, Renée employs a multidisciplinary approach encompassing behavioral experimentation, psychophysiological assessments, qualitative measures, experience sampling, and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), to investigate the dynamics of emotional memory and their relation to mental health problems. Her research is supported by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and a L'Oreal-UNESCO For Women in Science Fellowship.


About "Les conférences de l'IUFRS"

The IUFRS conferences are a seminar series centered on topics of research and practice in nursing and healthcare.

  • Target audience: Healthcare researchers and clinicians, graduate and PhD students in the nursing and healthcare sciences
  • Format: Hybrid (in-person & online)
  • Duration: Expert talk (40 min), followed by a Q&A (15 min)
  • Language: French, English or bilingually (depending on the speaker)


En savoir plus sur "Les conférences de l'IUFRS"

Les conférences de l'IUFRS sont une série de seminaires centrés sur des sujets de recherche et de pratique en sciences infirmières et sciences de la santé.

  • Public cible: Chercheur·euses et clinicien·nes, étudiant·es Master et doctorant·es en sciences infirmières et sciences de la santé
  • Format: Hybride (en présentiel & en ligne)
  • Durée: Présentation par un·e expert·e (40 min), suivi par Q/R(15 min)
  • Langue: Français, anglais ou bilïngue (selon expert·e invité·e)

Plus d'informations: Les conférences de l'IUFRS



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