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Ateliers Recherche

Navigating Open Access: finding practical solutions to align publishing ethics with career goals

Academic publishing is a cornerstone of research careers, yet the path to aligning ethical publishing practices with career advancement remains fraught with challenges. This event explores the complexities of Open Access publishing, weaving together perspectives from early career researchers (ECRs) and seasoned academics to address shared challenges and uncover practical solutions. By examining the critical role of academic societies and their journals in fostering equitable and sustainable publishing practices, the event aims to bridge career goals with the principles of fair and sustainable publishing.

Published on 23 Jan 2025
Amphipôle, 353.3
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The event is devided into two parts:

Part 1: Workshop for Early Career Researchers (13h00 - 14h00)
Navigating the complexities of academic publishing can be particularly challenging for early career researchers (ECRs). How can you align your career progression goals with the principles of fair and sustainable publishing?

Join us for an interactive workshop and roundtable discussion that explores practical strategies for publishing in an Open Access framework while meeting the demands of research careers. This session will provide a platform to share experiences, discuss challenges, and identify solutions that work for ECRs across disciplines. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with peers and reflect on their publishing strategies in a supportive and collaborative environment.

This workshop is open for registration for ECRs in the field of Ecology and Evolution.

Part 2: Roundtable with Experienced Researchers (14h30 - 15h30)

Building on the insights from the ECR workshop, this roundtable brings together experienced researchers to examine the broader role of academic communities and scientific societies in shaping the future of Open Access publishing. Can non-profit, Open Access models truly align with the needs of researchers and the goals of academic institutions? What responsibilities do academic societies have in driving fair and sustainable publishing practices?

Through an engaging panel discussion, participants will gain insights into the lived experiences of senior researchers navigating the shifting landscape of academic publishing. The session will also provide an opportunity to debate the compatibility of non-profit publishing models with the goals of Open Access, drawing on the perspectives shared by ECRs in the earlier workshop.

The event is co-organised by:

  • Prof. Marc Robinson-Rechavi, Director of the Department of Ecology and Evolution, Faculty of Biology and Medicine, UNIL.
  • Dr. Micaela Crespo, Deputy Director of Research services and Head of Open Access UNIL.


Michael Dawson

UC Merced


Université de Lausanne

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