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Ateliers Actualités formations Soutien à la recherche

Presentation of the Corv secure transcription tool for the UNIL-FBM-CHUV community

The UNIL-FBM-CHUV community will be given a short 15 minutes presentation in French on the functions of the Corv transcription platform, followed by your questions.

Published on 11 Mar 2025
Crow Corv transcribing a record
Crow Corv transcribing a record © CC-BY 4.0 @cata.clombe

The Corv platform developed by the DCSR enables the university community to transcribe audio and video files. The service is free, easy to use and compatible with regulations (LPD, LPrD, HRA, HRO) on the protection of personal and/or sensitive data.


We invite the UNIL-FBM-CHUV research community to join us online to find out more about the tool and discuss the problems it can solve in the field.


Do you have questions?



Hugo Hueber

Research Engineer, Ci/DCSR



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