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Conférence Enseignement et Formation Environnement

Geoheritage threats: Evolution of landforms in mountain environments

Conférence dans le cadre du cours « Géomorphosites et géoconservation ».

Publié le 19 mars 2018
Evolution of an iconic landscape: Pyramides d’Euseigne loosing their integrity due to geomorphic dynamics.
Evolution of an iconic landscape: Pyramides d’Euseigne loosing their integrity due to geomorphic dynamics.
Géopolis, 2227

The conference

Different are the approaches to geoheritage analysis: from the assessment of its value to the elaboration of strategies for its valorisation and popularization. All these aspects are strongly dependent on the non-static feature through time of geomorphological heritage, in particular. The changes affecting sites of geomorphological interest, be they due to human or natural causes, may imply a variation in their attributes and values. How fast a site evolves is a question to be addressed in the contexts of management and risk scenario analysis. Different study cases will be illustrated from the Italian and Swiss Alps and from the Apennines.

The speaker

Irene Bollati is a Research Scientist in Geomorphology at the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Milan (Italy). She works on the evaluation of rates of geomorphic processes in mountain environment using multidisciplinary approaches. She investigates landforms’ evolutions by means of quantitative geomorphology and dendrogeomorphology. This approach has been mainly applied to detect the evolution of geomorphosites under climate change conditions in mountain environments. The elaboration of innovative applications of the research results for Earth Sciences education represents a core part in her research topics. She authored about 30 papers included in peer-reviewed journals and in national and international monographic volumes.


Information: Emmanuel Reynard, +41 79 331 72 44


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