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Séminaire Personnalités à la une Nominations 2019 Recherche

Female Career Award HEC Lausanne (UNIL) Ceremony & Seminar

Launched in 2018 on the initiative of the Equal Opportunity Committee of HEC Lausanne, the Female Career Award honours twice a year an outstanding female academic career outside HEC. Winner of the 2nd edition 2019, Mary Barth, Professor at the University of Stanford, Graduate School of Business, will give a lecture as part of the September 17th award ceremony.

Publié le 13 août 2019
Extranef, 110

Professor Mary Barth’s research focuses on financial accounting and reporting issues, particularly topics of interest to accounting standard setters. Such topics include using fair values in financial reporting, stock-based compensation, recognition versus disclosure, asset securitizations, asset revaluations, the information roles of accruals and cash flows, the relation between financial statement quality and cost of capital, and issues related to global financial reporting and convergence.



10h00 - 12h00  Research Seminar (room Ant. 3059) followed by and aperitive

Title: "The Future of Financial Reporting: Insights from Research"

14h00 - 15h30  :  Female Career Award Ceremony (room Extranef 110) chaired by Prof. Marianne Schmid-Mast, president of the HEC Equality Commission, followed by a Round Table with PhD and Postdoc students

15h30 :                    End






Intervenante(s), Intervenant(s)

Mary Barth

Stanford University, USA, Graduate School of Business


Minyue Dong
Commission de l'Egalité

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