Dans le cadre du Séminaire de recherche « Marges, environnement, paysages »
In the Italian context, a relevant number of marginal areas, defined as territories characterized by socio-economic disadvantages, environmental fragility, infrastructural isolation, and unexpressed valuable territorial resources, are threatened by intense tourism development processes. The research investigates the multiple relationships between the different manifestations of tourism development and the features of marginal areas, specifically focusing on the Italian Alps, where the research case study, the Alta Valtellina Region, is located. After identifying the geographies and the distribution of these processes in the context of Alta Valtellina, the research aims to provide specific strategic and spatial-oriented solutions to cope with the risks and the opportunities posed by tourism development in a territory characterized by different degrees of marginality and fragility.
Pour obtenir le lien de connexion, merci de contacter aurelie.hendrick@unil.ch
Crédit photo : Armin Kübelbeck, CC-BY-SA, Wikimedia Commons