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Animals in Political Decision-Making

The workshop seeks to explore the question of how animals can be adequately represented in political decision-making.

Publié le 14 mars 2024
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Workshop “Animals in Political Decision-Making”

The workshop seeks to explore the question of how animals can be adequately represented in political decision-making. In particular, the question arises of how animals can be thought to influence political decisions that affect them, but that, as of yet, are made without their consent.

Venue: University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Date: May 29th, 2024

Format: In-person

Confirmed speakers in alphabetical order:

Angela Martin, University of Basel: “Human deliberation and animal representation”

Charlotte Blattner, University of Bern: “From constitutional animal law toward interspecies constitutionalizing”

Friderike Spang, University of Lausanne: “Representing animals: A double role for deliberation”

Leonie Bossert, University of Tübingen: “Overcoming speciesist biases: Using AI to foster interspecies justice”

Pablo Magaña, Nova University Lisbon : “Nonhuman animals in Rawlsian political philosophy: Conflict and accommodation”

Will Kymlicka, Queen’s University: “Three versions of animal politics: Politics on behalf of animals; politics by animals; politics with animals”


Everyone interested is cordially invited! To register, please send a message simply with the subject “Registration Workshop May 2024” to, until April 2nd, 2024. Confirmations will be sent out after this date, together with the workshop program.

Please be advised that due to the in-person format, spaces are limited.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at


Friderike Spang, Chercheuse FNS senior, UNIL-FDCA

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