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Public thesis defense - Shreekanth MAHENDIRAN

Essays on the Role of Reputation in the Markets for Technology

Publié le 18 avr. 2024
SYN 2218, & on Zoom

The public thesis defense of Shreekanth MAHENDIRAN, holder of a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Loyola College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu (India)  and a Master’s degree in Economics from Madras School of Economics, Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu (India), will take place on
Thursday, April 25th, 2024, at 5:00 PM
oom Synathlon 2218 & Zoom
To obtain the degree of
Ph.D. in Management
Thesis title:
Essays on the Role of Reputation in the Markets for Technology
Members of the thesis committee:

  • Jean-Philippe BONARDI, Professor, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Lausanne. Thesis supervisor.
  • Chirantan CHATTERJEE, Professor, University of Sussex. Thesis co-supervisor.
  • Giorgio ZANARONE, Professor, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Lausanne. Internal expert.
  • Gary DUSHNITSKY, Associate Professor, London Business School. External expert.
  • Boris NIKOLOV, Professor and Vice Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Lausanne. President.

The session is public and will take place on campus and online.
To receive the Zoom details, please register in advance through the following link:



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