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Talks and Roundtable : Genetic diversity in conservation

A leading figure in evolutionary biology, Prof. Craig Moritz will receive the title of Doctor honoris causa from UNIL at the Dies academicus on May 31, 2024. The day before, he will present an overview of his work, followed by a roundtable of experts.

Publié le 22 mai 2024
Craig Moritz, docteur honoris causa de l'UNIL, sur proposition de la FBM. Photo DR
Craig Moritz, docteur honoris causa de l'UNIL, sur proposition de la FBM. Photo DR
Génopode, Salle B

Program (17h-18h30)

Main talk (30 min): Prof. Craig Moritz
"Principles and metrics for maintaining genetic diversity in conservation"

Short talks (10 min):

  • Prof. Jérôme Goudet (DEE-UNIL)
    "Measuring and predicting kinship, diversity, and inbreeding in the genomic era"
  • Dr. Stéphane Joost (EPFL)
    "Spatial areas of genotype probability and the question of their use in species conservation policies"
  • Dr. Robert Waterhouse (Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics SIB)
    "Assembling an atlas of reference genomes for European eukaryotic biodiversity"

Roundtable discussion

Apéritif (18h30-20h, Amphimax)


Intervenante(s), Intervenant(s)


Department of Ecology and Evolution UNIL

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